Quantum Legos: Contemporary Applications of Quantum PhysicsMaster ClassIn-Person
Tuesday, Jan 09, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
Columbia University
Data Science Institute
120th St, New York, NY
Data Science Institute
The Data Science Institute (DSI) at Columbia University strives to be a force for change. They advance the state-of-the-art in data science; transform all fields, professions, and sectors through the application of data science; and ensure the responsible use of data to benefit society.
Participants in this master class will visit Professor Will’s lab—the coldest place in New York—where he and his team have pioneered techniques to cool atoms down to less than a millionth of a degree above absolute zero. This enables them to then capture these ultracold atoms one by one, and use them as building blocks—or “quantum legos”—to synthesize molecules with complete quantum control and to build complex quantum systems. We will explore these remarkable advances, which open new opportunities for the construction of incredibly precise atomic clocks, quantum simulators, quantum networks, and quantum computers.
Sebastian Will
Sebastian Will is a quantum physicist and a professor of physics at Columbia University. He is working to control individual atoms as a resource for modern quantum applications, including quantum sensing, quantum simulation, quantum networking, and quantum computing. In addition to his research, Sebastian co-leads a consortium to realize the New York Quantum Network and is broadly engaged in outreach efforts to share insights into the intriguing world of quantum physics. Sebastian has received the MIT Infinite Kilometer Award, the Columbia RISE Award, the NSF Career Award, and is a fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.